Request an Inspection
Please enter your permit number or file number above.

Permit Number# 503SSC16E0031
File Number# ASCB000618LT
Ensure Complete:
Footings and Wall pured forms removed
Weeping tile in place
Washed rock and dampproofing applied
Ensure Complete:
Majority of system installed
and uncovered
Ensure Complete:
All wire and boxes installed and visible
Main service installed
Bonding and grounding complete
Ensure Complete:
All drain or sewer lines installed
All drain lines installed
All vent stacks installed
All water lines installed
Ensure Complete:
Gas piping installed before
appliances completed
Ensure Complete:
Foundation Backfilled
Walls Framed
Floors and Roof Completed
Mechanical and Electrical rough-in started
Heating duct installation started
Exterior doors
Windows installed
Outside sheathing
Manufacturer's engineered floor layout
Trusses layout and roof bracing details on site
Prior to Occupancy
Ensure Complete:
Drywall and paint complete
Interior finishing complete
Handrails in place
Plumbing and electrical complete (including fixtures)
Heating/Ventilation system installed and ductwork complete
Smoke alarms installed
All items from previous inspection reports or plans examination complete
Prior to Occupancy
Ensure Complete:
All load devices and switches installed and operational
Smoke detectors installed
Panel Labeled
Prior to Occupancy
Ensure Complete:
All fixtures installed and operational
We do not do air test inspections!
Prior to Occupancy
Ensure Complete:
All gas piping installed
Pressure (air) test completed
Gas meter hung
Appliances firing

Eg, special directions, alternate phone numbers, hours of access, etc.